- Teaching 1st grade has caused me to almost literally hate the sound of my own name. All day long all I ever hear is "Miss Shrop can I..." "Miss Shrop she just..." "Miss Shrop when are we..." "Miss Shrop where is..." "Miss Shrop. Miss SHROP. MISS SHROP!" One day I finally just snapped. It was the end of the day and we were all on the carpet after just packing up and waiting for the bell to ring and, as always, 3-4 people were calling my name at one time. Finally I just said, "Oh guys, I am REALLY beginning to HATE the sound of my own name. Can you please just stop saying it for 1 second?!" About 5 seconds pass by before one smart A kid goes..."So...what do you want us to call you then...you know...if you don't like the sound of YOUR name." Un-be-lievable.
- This past week at the end of the day when all my kids were packed up and sitting on the carpet hanging out, I was back at my table working with one of them, I overheard something truly hilarious. All my car riders and some of my bus kids had left so I have about 9-10 kids left in my room. One of them just went to change for her dance class at school and comes back to join the rest of her friends. All of the kids are commenting on the bright orange slightly over sized t-shirt she is wearing and intently inquiring where she got it from. For those who don't know, 1st graders are prone to a sad, yet sickening disease. It's called over exaggerationitis. The treatment for this disease is unknown, though some of believed a little bit of truth serum might do them a world of good. Anywho, I overhear her tell her friends something a long the lines of she got the t-shirt from her grandfather/uncle and he was wearing it when he died. The truth of that story is she may or may not have received it from one them and they may have happened to die, but nothing about that shirt would ever fit a grown adult. Well, this lovely bright spot in conversation kind of brought all the kids to a quiet awkwardness, when all of a sudden I hear one of my kids kinda laugh and go "Wah waaaaaah," as if to indicate the other student had clearly brought the mood down. This had me laughing for about 5 minutes.
- My kids frequently ask me at lunch if I get very tired of eating the same thing every day because they know that they sure would. They've even offered to share their school lunch with me. I, however, have to pass.
- I still get asked, quite often, by my kids when am I gonna get married and a few of them are in the works of devising a plan on "how to get Miss Shrop a man." Awesome.
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5 years ago
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