Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I'm sorry, did someone order a crap sandwich? Wait, that's me.

Now I'm not going to be so negative as to say that 2009 is the equivalent to that of a "crap sandwich." (A phrase I can thank Dominique for and one I'm sure my mother is clucking her tongue and shaking her head at, but oh well. Sorry moms. :) ) No, 2009 hasn't been long enough to reach that status. However, the past week 1/2 back at school CAN reach that status. Allow me, if I possibly can, to elaborate.

  • I was called to testify in court for reasons legally I can't get into, but know that I did not partake in some sort of B&E with any local hooligans, (that's breaking and entering for the "un-hip") but it had to do with one of my kids in my class. No big deal, I just had to plan to possibly be out of my room between this Monday and Wednesday (today); they said they'd let me know an hour before. I know most of you are probably thinking, "What? Why is that bad? Just suck it up and go," but you can't just "go" when you have 20 1st graders. You have to plan something for them to do, something for them to do when they've finished the other thing you planned for them, a detailed list of rules and procedures, another detailed list regarding who can't stand/sit with who in line/on the carpet, etc. (And that's just for being gone 1, maybe 1 1/2 hours. Just imagine a whole day). So yeah, I was not stoked. Plus there are other things to the situation that just made me feel like a craptastic teacher and like I was getting put right in the middle of something I did NOT want to be put in, but anywho. Well, they did give me a little notice, a whole 2 days notice, so I planned to be gone at 11 am today and return soon after I gave my little testimonial. WELL, I am about 15 minutes down the road (11:15. I testify at 11:30) when the school calls to tell me that the lawyer just called and said they don't need me afterall. Are. You. Kidding. Me. I mean, it is a blessing, don't get me wrong, but 15 minutes before?! Nobody has any respect for my time, I tell ya. So yeah, I planned and worried and lost sleep (truly I did) over NOTHING. Nothing.
  • I have had to plan double time for my class because I found out I have not 1 but 5 kids who are below where they need to be in 1st grade. Awesome. 5 out of 20. 1/4 of my students. I am the best and most awesome teacher ev-er. So I had to fill out 5 sets of paperwork to take them through testing, plan extra lessons plans to do extra work with them, schedule 2-3 more hours into my school day to fit all that schiesse in, and then turn average yarn into gold to be spun before the nights end.
  • I have a paper due for my 1st year evaluation coming up. SERIOUSLY, who has to write a paper after they graduate?? TEACHERS, that's who, because we always have homework, we are never not supposed to be doing something (though I quite frequently choose to ignore whatever it is).
  • I had to start making payments on my student loans. Thank you, Sallie Mae, for truly being a life ruiner. I am seriously forever endebted to you and all I get is a job where I am underpaid and underappreciated, but I love it. Catch damn 22.
  • Pro-freakin-ration. Apparently I picked the wrong year to become a teacher because apparently the government is out of money. I tell you, they say, be a teacher, they need you, there's a shortage, and there is, but we have the hardest time finding/keeping jobs. Lord, please don't let me loose my job. I'm too unmotivated to start that process all over again.
  • I spilled my Diet Coke all on the floor in front of my classroom yesterday. I went to turn my hand to unlock my door and as I turned that wrist, I idiocally turned the other and poured my DC all on my floor AND on my new lunch box (but don't worry, I got that crap out). Really put a damper to the start of my day.

However, 2009 has not been filled completely with crap sandwiches and all it's tasty fillings. There have been some very fantastic things happen.
  • The Wii. Which is video game-ese for awesome. My sister Leigh and her husband got a Wii from my mom, Amber, and me for Christmas and I tell you, I don't know what I did before it! It is seriously the most addicting thing ever. EVER. It. Is. Awesome.
  • 24 and American Idol have returned. Two of my loves (one I have been without for almost 2 years) have returned from the dead and are now filling up 3 of my otherwise lackluster nights of television. Fantastic
  • Two of my best friends are engaged, which I could have put on the crap sandwich list because I am not, but let's be honest, right now, I would be an unfit wife. I would probably be get charged with verbal domestic abuse, if that's possible, I have no idea. So yay Eva. Yay Jillian.
  • I have Monday off school. No elaboration needed.
  • Cadburry Mini Eggs are being sold in the individual packages at CVS which only tells me the family size bags are soon to follow. Things are looking up! (One of those will soon be my weight)
  • I got some a new digital camera, new jeans, new school pants, a new cardigan, new lip gloss, new Mineral Viel (make up, and this one has SHIMMER, it's amazing), AND a birthday present from Sephora. And 4 of those purchases were made using gift cards, including the camera, which makes them even better. Ah, the simple things.
  • Leigh got a new shipment of Omaha steaks from her mother in law, which means I got the box of gourmet franks that go with it. Gourmet franks...also known as fancy hot dogs...also known as the best hot dog Lucy Burrett and myself have ever eaten. Leigh and Matt are sick of them, so they give them to me. Bless their souls.
So, as you can see the good outweighs the bad. As yes, I still know the Lord is good and He loves me and wants me to prosper, but that doesn't prohibit me from telling everyone about my crap sandwhich of a week and a 1/2. Let's hope the month of January doesn't turn into a crap salad, then I'd really be disappointed.

**Credit to Dominique Grant for all crap food references made.**

1 comment:

Leigh Vought said...

Isn't being an adult great!?!?! Sorry you have had a bad week, but remember there is always the wii and gorumet franks! :)