You might be asking yourself where I've been...or actually you might not of even noticed I was gone, but be that as it may, I decided to make a post for many reasons. 1.) I haven't made one in right about 9 months. 2.) It's summer and I have very little to do so I thought I would record my random musings for the world wide web to enjoy. 3.) I have no car to go anywhere or do anything because sadly, the faithful Civic is on her last leg...or wheel...or whatever. Moment of silence please....OK moving on. 4.) I have a lot of things I currently adore at this present time and I felt it imperative to share them with you, the blogging community, immediately, so here goes, in no particular order:
1. To get the cheese factor over with early in the post, I'm going to say one of the things I love the most right now (and probably forever and ever amen, (shout out to Randy Travis)) is my fiancé and soon to husband (WHAT?!) Benjamin Strout. He loves the Lord, he's smart, he's funny, he fixes just about anything, he can build and design pretty much anything, he has such a sweet and tender heart, and those are just a few things. I am such a blessed woman to get to spend the rest of my days with my bestest friend... :) I mean look at that face...come on...

2. I have a new found love for Pandora Radio. It makes my days and moments oh so much more entertaining. Ever since Birmingham did away with the very best radio station in the history of the world (LIVE 100.5) I have missed hearing great new music, but then I remembered my good friend Pandora, who can created a station of your liking at the click of the mouse. If it plays a song you like and you want to hear more of it, give it a thumbs up. If you absolutely hate it and have no idea why your dear Pandora would ever choose to play that song for you, give it a big thumbs down and you'll never hear it's brilliant! A J. Timberlake Station, a Ben Folds station, an Amos Lee Station, Across the Universe Soundtrack, Luda, even a Glee Cast's fantastic. Which brings me to my next love...
3. GLEE! It probably comes as no surprise to most of you that I, without a doubt, love, Love, LOVE this show! As a veteran of "show choir" (though I must say we never did anything as awesome or to the caliber that New Directions has done, but anyway...) this show holds a special place in my heart. It combines all the things I love: music, sarcasm, quick wit and cutting pop-culture references, randomly breaking out into song, Broadway hits/stars, amazing dance sequences, guest stars like Neil Patrick Harris, and the lovely Mr. Schu. And that Sue Sylvester...the things she says...and with a straight's pure comic gold. AND my sweet Dominique informed me that the cast is going on TOUR this summer! If only I wasn't getting married and had to save every dime, I tell you, I would be there! Maybe I can register for it...

4. Now the next on my list is not so much a "love" as it is a "love/hate." Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred has become my newest frienemy (friend+enemy...duh). Since I'm getting married and it's the ONE DAY where it's OK for everything to be about you, I decided I needed to "shape up" for the big event. It's only 20 minutes (30 counting warm-up and cool-down), but it is the longest. 20. minutes. EVER. I have started this 3-level program many time and never quite made it past level 1, but for the first time (today actually) I officially moved on to level 2 and I can proudly say, with only a few modifications, I successfully completed it. Now I just have to stick with it...just keep thinking "wedding dress, wedding dress." I am hoping it pays off come July 10th and that I am, in fact, shredded...tastefully, of course. After all, I don't want to end up like this....
GEW!!! It's like Kelly Ripa on steroids.

5. Sephora. Now, this love is not new by any means. In fact, it is a place that, I think, for the rest of my life, I will constantly love and adore. I have never not gone into that store and spent more than necessary, but sadly, I am never disappointed with my purchases. From face powder (bless you Bare Minerals), to eye shadow (Bare minerals and even Sephora brand...they got it goin' on), to moisturizers (thank you Smashbox Photo Light Finisher), and perfumes (Pure Grace by Philosophy is pure genius), they have all your beauty needs. It's glorious. I will be sad to no longer like in The Summit where Sephora was merely a stones throw away. Oh well, that just means I will have to stop by there on my way home from work instead of whenever the crap I want...such sacrifice.
Well, I think that is all for now on my list of "loves." I am sure I could think of more and add to this list, but I'll save that for another post. Thank you for successfully waisting at least 5-10 minutes of your day reading about the useless things I enjoy. And please, feel free to contribute to the list...until next time...
6. Next on my loves of the moment would be nail polish. In January, I stopped biting my nails (a habit I had perfected for over the past 20 years...seriously, no exaggeration) by keeping dark polish of sorts on my nails and before I knew it, I had nails. Only problem is now the anxiety relief I once used to feel in biting my nails is only felt by placing a fresh coat of polish on my nails. I have found the crazy the color, the more I love it. (Enter: the crazy, sparkly green polish I had on my hands the night I got engaged...Ben said it reminded him of some sort of Japanese car paint.) I do love softer colors as well; in fact, I just bought a nudish gold last night, which I am very excited about using. Right now I am enjoying "Read My Palm" by OPI by Sephora...a lovely greenish-blue shade. I could go on forever about my love of nail polish, so for that, I will move on

Well, I think that is all for now on my list of "loves." I am sure I could think of more and add to this list, but I'll save that for another post. Thank you for successfully waisting at least 5-10 minutes of your day reading about the useless things I enjoy. And please, feel free to contribute to the list...until next time...